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    Eloise Guibourg

    Junior Consultant

    Havas Just, London

    I feel like I truly belong

    When we went into lockdown in March, I had only been with Havas Health & You for nine weeks. As we began working from home in the UK, I suddenly found myself living alone as my roommates retreated to their parents’ homes out of the city. It wasn’t an option for me to do that as my entire family lives in another country.  


    I was so worried because none of us knew how long it would last or how our lives would be impacted. Being a new team member, I didn’t know what to expect from Havas Health & You and I worried about my job safety. I feel so fortunate to be so supported by my team members and I found that I was working with people who truly cared about me. My manager assured me that should I need to isolate, one of my team members would make sure I got my groceries. Knowing that I was living alone, they checked in on me every day and supported me through every hurdle this experience threw at me. I felt truly valued in my role and many of my worries were eased from the beginning.  


    The work that Havas Health & You does is amazing, but for me, the people that make up this agency is what makes it so special. I feel so grateful to work with such supportive people. I feel like I truly belong.

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